sobota, 18 kwietnia 2015

Google, you are scary.

I am fully aware that Google knows almost everything about me. What kind of music do I listen to or what car do I have or where do I live, and so on. I know that because of all these Ad sense commercials. I often explain to my friends how s it that Google knew what advertisement to show to make them interested. Each one of You can see what Google knows about You. But even I got scared when one morning I saw what Google Now showed me. In the morning, when I was getting on the bus to my university back in Poland I turned on Google Now and there's an information that my journey to school will take me 13 minutes, when I was getting back it showed me that getting home will take 5 minutes less. It's a cool thing but I've never told where I was going and which way! What is interesting is that when I travel by bus I travel by the route shown on google but when I go by car I take completely different route. Do not tell me that Google knows when I travel by bus and when by car. I must admit that the data collected by Google is impressive there is really less traffic when I'm going home. I know that I had turned my GPS etc. but it still doesn't change the fact that as for me Google moves too far. Because of these mechanics Google knows almost everything and has a lot of data about me. I'm very lucky that I'm not a terrorist :) 

I don't want to say that it has only disadvantages. I can see some advantages. If we want to keep an eye on safety of our children sharing the localisation option is perfect for such things, or when driving a car, Google can tell me about the traffic jams.

So, what I'm so afraid of? The future! The current question is not "how?" but "when?" Google will write to me "You have changed the route to work, You will be late, but if You already changed it, come by to Tesco for fresh apples, only 55gr for kilo.

Here You can watch very interesting movie about how Google data center in South Carolina works:

2 komentarze:

  1. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.

  2. interesting reading about your experience with google. i find it rather interesting that google can keep up with all my medias, from my computer, iphone, pc and ipad. The search-monitor is the same on all devices.
    I was visiting an internet shop, searching for a spesific jacket. later on, another front page used commercials for exactly that jacket.. scary..
